Last Month of 2018. Feels Good, or does it? You had all of these goals, resolutions, achievements, accomplishments… for the year and now is the time for reflection. Which goals were accomplished, which ones need to be carried over into next year, which ones need to be thrown out…
Goal One “Go on a date with the man I am going to Marry”. This is not a goal that can be rushed. Thank You to my last Boyfriend for staying my Friend. Even though you weren’t my Forever, I know you are a Great Guy and I wish You all of the Happiness and Love in the World. I am carrying over this goal to 2019 “Go on a date with the man I am going to Marry” taking my time, savoring and enjoying every moment of this goal, having been married before and divorced, it is not one to be rushed.
Goal Two is a Forever Goal. “Go Somewhere I have never been Before”. I accomplished this goal many times this year and will next year too. Travel is Magical.
Goal Three is a Forever Goal too. “I Love my job and it supports my Lifestyle”. I had to leave my job at Lululemon because I didn’t Love it. I still Teach Yoga and Write because I Love Yoga and Writing.
Goal Four is a Health Goal and it is one of my Forever Goals to “Stay Healthy”. I practice Yoga every day as a way of life and shoot for the moon of practicing on my mat in a class 7 days a week and usually land among the stars of 4 or 5 days. This week I am 2/4, because one of my career goals for 2018 was to “Teach at CY”. I have accomplished this goal and I taught 2 classes this week. I have stayed hydrated and healthy. Drinking water does not come naturally to me so I remind myself it is good for me and I drink as much as I can.
I have accomplished a lot of my goals this year. I am graduating from college on December 18th. I am the Best Mom and I can Be, I am Happy and Healthy and I Love my Life which will always be my #1 Goal. Cheers to 2018 and Writing New Personal, Career, and Health Goals for 2019. Good Luck with Yours! Private message me if you want to have coffee, wine, or water and talk about your Goals!