Holiday plans have been made, but they aren't here yet. I am in between plans, plans with family, plans with friends. A new yoga studio opened last night, some of the same people, different walls. The studio is beautiful and last night I had the chance to meet new people and connect with people in a new way, but I left after class instead of hanging out. I wanted to hug my kids and tell them goodnight. They are with their dad this weekend and I needed to drop off Denver’s basketball shoes. Their dad doesn’t want me to come in to the house, he would like me to stay in the car, but since I had the shoes, I made some noise instead of just gently putting them in the milk box, both kids came running to the door in their pjs and gave me big hugs goodnight. I took a deep breath and breathed them in. It was magical. I came home, ordered my favorite chinese and read a book. The whole night became magical as I ate my favorite food and read a book about conscious parenting.
Listen to Yourself. Anytime you can, breathe in the Light and the Magic and Exhale all the way out, Feel Grateful for all that You are and All that you have. Upward facing dog, breathe in and fill up with light, downward facing dog, breathe out and ground in gratitude, one of my favorite things to say to to my students. The teacher and the student are one.