Spirit Breathe
January 15th, 2019

First Share of the New Year

Get Your Ass in Gear for the New Year! I had to get quiet for a while, listen to my own soul. All through my life, I have heard things from people, read things, researched, learned, unlearned, etc. There is so much information in this world which is a good thing, but we can also find so much on so many different subjects that supports the opposites. When a student told me about her injury yesterday, I asked her what her doctor had advised her to do. She said he told her “Don’t do Yoga, No one should be doing Yoga’ and she listed some of the reasons why. I gave her and another student a free mini private lesson after class, they thanked me and one student gave me a hug. We said if only we had known what we know now, isn’t that the truth. This is just one example. "Do Yoga, Don’t do Yoga" and I can find boat loads of information to support each view point.

We must take time to get quiet, breathe deep, ask a question, meditate and wait for the answer to appear.  I can guide you through a meditation if you would like. You can message me on Facebook, Instagram, or email me @ ginadupre@aol.com.

Start with ‘The Why” why do you want to do something. If it is not a big enough why, then it is not for you. If it is not a Heck Yes, it is a Heck No, one of my favorite quotes. Look ahead, have a vision and then work backwards from there. Begin Now. The secret to getting ahead is getting started. Don’t look backwards and don’t look at how far you have to go to get to where you are going, and know that, as you gather, as you let go, the destination may change. Just take it one step, one breath at a time.

Add Lots of Love and Adventure along the way! Enjoy all of the twists and turns; the Journey! Stay curious, stay open, be flexible, be light, and Always Be Grateful. Happy 2019! Best Year Ever! ILove You All!