Spirit Breathe
November 16th, 2018

Forearm Plank

A few years ago I started doing 4 minute forearm plank in my yoga classes. I read about forearm plank somewhere being the best total body work out you can do without machines, so of course I did it, starting with one minute, about 10 breaths, and working up to 4 minutes, and less breaths per minute. I started teaching it in my classes at the beginning, always giving the students the option to stay and lie down on their belly or back and/or take child’s pose whenever they need to. In an one hour Yoga class on the mat, it’s all about efficiency. I love 90 minute and 2 hour classes but they are hard to find and many of us don’t have time for that everyday. I noticed after my personal forearm plank practice and from watching my yoga students, it was easier for us to stand up from low lunge to high lunge, from the ground to warrior 3, to all of the standing, grounding balancing, postures. I learned to engage my core and my legs more and how to cue those micro movements in all theyoga asanas. We all have our days where our balance is off and we wobble, every breath is different, every day is different, but the student and teacher are one and We are Stronger because of forearm plank and of course we look better in our bathing suits. LOL Everyday!