Spirit Breathe
January 24th 2019

Self Love is the Best Love

Self Care stems from Self Love and it is not always about the Good Stuff. Yes, Going to Yoga, Getting Massages, Pedicures, Highlights and Feathers in my Hair,  Eating, Drinking, and Traveling to some place I have never been before are all ways I shower myself with Love and I am All About Self Love, but sometimes Self Love is More about the Things We Don't Do and Doing the Things we Don't want to Do.

Self Love is not wasting time or money.  Self Love is cooking at home instead of eating out all of the time knowing my bank account and body thank me.  It is about not having that second glass of wine knowing my head and body will thank me in the morning. It is taking the time to stay home and clean my home and car.  It is stepping out of my comfort zone and trying different exercise classes that I don’t Love as much as Power Yoga. It is doing forearm plank and other core exercises, even when I don't feel like it, to keep a strong core to support my back and spine so I can pick up my kids pain free, knowing my kids love it. Denver asked me last night if I am going to be able to do “this” when he is 40 and I am 80, I told him I will only be 74, L.O.L.(laugh out loud).  "This” being him hanging on me like a little monkey, his legs wrapped around my waist, his arms around my shoulders, looking in my eyes, giving me hugs and kisses, smiling and laughing, telling me how much he loves me. I said I don’t know, Kevin Love, you will probably be able to jump up on my shoulders by then and say, Hey Mom, as we both imagine that in our minds, our eyes open wide, I give him a hug and a kiss and we laugh.  Denver stayed at his dad's last night and Bezu and I went home and snuggled up together on the couch watching her choice "Small Foot" and then I massaged her little feet until she fell asleep.  When I Love Myself, My Kids Feel All of the Love and it works that way in All of our Relationships with People.  Self Love is knowing I strive to be the Best Mom I can Be to Bezu and Denver, spending time with them and showing them what Love is. Yes, there are fights, words exchanged, yelling and sassy tones, but there is total acceptance and complete forgiveness and more Love than I could ever put into words.

Self Love is about looking at the future we want, having a vision and pursuing a dream that is going to support that lifestyle.  Self Love is studying and going to college, even though I don’t like school and feel that not everyone needs to go to college because most of our knowledge comes from life experience.  Self Love is not taking the easy way out, the fastest way, or the wrong way.  Self love is about mindful movements that zig and zag and get you to where you want to go.

Self Love is honoring your mind, body and spirit that is unique to each one of us.  It is the comfort of knowing, after losing myself a long time ago and so many friends, that besides my morning coffee, the occasional cocktails and caffeinated soda, I will never take a drug, recreational or prescription, unless I absolutely have to.  Self Love is staying out of wrong relationships and away from one night stands.

Self Love is spending your time doing what makes You Feel Alive, Present, Wonderful, and Happy, You Beautiful Warrior.  Be a Love Warrior, Fall in Love with Yourself Inside and Out.