March 8th, 2019
The Power to Create: Respond with Love
We have the power to create our lives. People are going to do what they do and we have the choice to react, do nothing, or respond with Love...
We have the power to create our lives. People are going to do what they do and we have the choice to react, do nothing, or respond with Love...
I knew from a young age how important Love was. I started writing love songs in second grade. I wrote love songs about my boyfriend, about my friends. We sang love...
So many people, so little time. We see pictures, videos, moments on social media, interact briefly and superficially and believe what we read and hear from other people...
Self Care stems from Self Love and it is not always about the Good Stuff. Yes, Going to Yoga, Getting Massages, Pedicures, Highlights and Feathers...
Get Your Ass in Gear for the New Year! I had to get quiet for a while, listen to my own soul. All through my life, I have heard things from people...
There is a space between everything. If you celebrate Christmas, you probably are feeling the space between. I celebrated by hibernating this year...
I attended a 2 day Baron Baptiste Yoga Teacher Training Course this past weekend and I learned so much, as I always do when I am learning and studying about Yoga...
We all need someone we can lean on, someone to lift us up, and hold us accountable. On Sunday after class, two of my strong Yoga students asked if we could do a 30 day plank...
The magic happens when you let in. In order to let in, you have to let go. I woke up at exactly 2:20am this morning, the time of the New Moon, the last one of the year.
Last Month of 2018. Feels Good, or does it? You had all of these goals, resolutions, achievements, accomplishments…
I just handed in my final paper. I am graduating in December with my Associates of Arts Degree, 24 years later...
Gratitude is a philosophy to embody like Love. You can wake up Grateful, stay Grateful All Day, and go to Sleep Grateful Everyday...
I flew to my hometown yesterday. As some of you may know traveling with kids is interesting. You have to make sure they are entertained...
A lot of women have read “Girl Wash Your Face”. I loved it. I couldn’t put it down. It spoke to me...
A few years ago I started doing 4 minute forearm plank in my yoga classes. I read about forearm plank somewhere being the best total...
I have a close friend from Brazil, she was my housecleaner, then my nanny, then she became & now she is my friend. She said there is a book...
Do you believe in Love at First Sight? I do. I was on a date when I saw another man that I had seen before. I introduced my date to him and then...
Holiday plans have been made, but they aren't here yet. I am in between plans, plans with family, plans with friends.
I woke up early today thinking why does this date sound familiar, what is it, what is today, what happened today, November 9th…
So many times students tell me Yoga saved my life. People start practicing yoga for so many different reasons. One student told me her story about how she found yoga.