Do you believe in Love at First Sight? I do. I was on a date when I saw another man that I had seen before. I introduced my date to him and then introduced myself. I went to shake his hand, I think, I’m not really sure, time froze as he said “I know who you are” and for a second, I was somewhere in his eyes, in his voice, as I thought to myself, great, tell me who I am, because I don’t know who I am right now. My mind and body are on a date, in a relationship, in love, but my spirit just took flight some where else like it does sometimes in yoga class. I left for the night with my date.
I am not even sure how many years ago this meeting was, probably 4 or 5. I continued to feel this connection to him every time I saw him. A couple of years ago, I gave him my phone # via Facebook messenger. He didn’t respond. I guess he didn’t feel the same way. I tried accepting my feelings, exhaling them away, letting go, putting my feelings in my body and releasing them. I am supposed to be an expert on this stuff, I teach it, but guess what, even if you put your feelings, your emotions in your body and release them, sometimes they come back.
I found myself in the dark in the relationship I was in, I finally saw the trees through the forest and realized there wasn’t enough burning of the fire I could do in chair pose to stay in that relationship. Like a glowing golden light, I walked through my own shadow and out of that relationship. I left the forest and headed toward the sunlight through a field of purple wild flowers, next to a flowing river, up a mountain where the sky meets the horizon and jumped off into a galaxy where I live with an open heart, loving life as much as possible and sometimes that means getting hurt, like my chest has been ripped in half and my heart has been taken out. Sometimes I see him, maybe God, in the tree tops up there, sometimes he takes my hand and we fly around the galaxy together, sometimes I am alone in the galaxy, most of the time the galaxy is all lit up like daylight.
I breathe in all the light and ground myself in gratitude as I step outside in the dark and look up at the stars and the moon. Yes I believe in love at first sight, fairy tales and wishing upon a star. I don’t know where I am going next but I know I am going somewhere with a wide open heart and I know I will never go back to the burning heat of the forest.