I knew from a young age how important Love was. I started writing love songs in second grade. I wrote love songs about my boyfriend, about my friends. We sang love songs to each other. We wrote each other love notes. We traded cassette tapes back and forth. I still write Love Letters to my boyfriends when I have one and to my kids. I guess I should write more Love Letters to Friends.
True Love is when You don’t worry about what anyone else in this Universe is doing right now and you just do what is best for You. You can’t find Love in foreign countries, big houses, fancy cars, heart shaped Islands, on the tops of mountains. It is inside of You. I can tell when I am living my truth and when I am denying my Spirit. We all have access to this Wisdom when we get quiet enough to listen and take the time to really listen. We can pretend, we can live in denial, but we will continue to be stuck. No one wants to be stuck in the muck.
There is a lot of muck in this world, but it only hurts me when I talk about it. My Spirit is Free, it is Wild, Kind and Loving and Full of Light. When My Spirit Shines and shines it’s Light on Other’s Lights, the World Gets Brighter. When we put the spot light on the muck , the Light goes out and the world gets dim. Let’s Light this Place Up with Love while we are here. Soul Shine.