Spirit Breathe
November 9th, 2018

The Yoga

I woke up early today thinking why does this date sound familiar, what is it, what is today, what happened today, November 9th…hmmmmm...Then mid-morning, I realized it. It was an anniversary. An anniversary of a relationship. 5 years ago today I went to lunch with a man and fell in love. The relationship was an on again off again relationship that has been off for some time. We both hurt each other tremendously. I found myself in that relationship and I hope he did too. I found out that I am not as forgiving as I thought I was, I do no not forget things easily and I have a temper that would scare even the strongest person. I also found out my capacity to Love is Bigger than I could have ever imagined. Sometimes Loving Yourself means Loving Yourself Bigger than Others and Loving Others in a Big Way, but from a Distance.

I am Grateful for that relationship and the relationships after I met him. I have learned to love myself in a way I never knew possible. I love being alone. Some of the romantic relationships with men and my friendships with women that have come after him and in between him and I have been short because I know what I want, what I am looking for in a soul mate and in a friend, and what I won’t tolerate. I know that I will never settle because it only hurts me and others around me. I learned that physical chemistry is a must have, but it will probably fade some day, so it can’t be all there is. I learned that doing the things you love with a partner is fun, but doing them alone can be just as fun. I learned that I need to be in relationships with people who are also doing The Yoga. We can hurt our minds and bodies in many different ways and we need a way to connect to our spirit, all the good, all the light and love, and love ourselves from the inside out or we can’t be there for someone else. I am not saying a yoga practice on the mat is the only way. Many of my friends do other forms of cardio, exercise and strength building and are practicing The Yoga as a way of life, the yoking together of their spirits with their minds and bodies. If you are thinking negative thoughts, obsessing about someone or something, drinking too much, eating too much, smoking cigarettes, taking drugs prescription or recreational, caught up in the latest fashion or fad, working too much, stressed out, redecorating your home multiple times, constantly moving, obsessing about looking younger, thinner, stronger, prettier, if you are saying or doing mean things to people, just ask yourself why? It may be time for a change or not. Only You know You and that is what makes You Unique and a Gift to the World.